Intimacy Coach | San Francisco

Relationship Wellness and Self Confidence with Intimacy Coaching

Intimacy coaching for men, women & couples intimacy - create wholeness within yourself and your relationships.

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What's Holding Back Intimacy in Your Relationship?

As an intimacy coach, I specialize in helping with individual & couples intimacy.  Intimacy coaching is for you if you if:

• You aspire to feeling more confident in bed

• You feel restricted or held back by past experiences

• There's room for growth in your sexual pleasure

• Miscommunication is an issue in your relationship

• You don't feel heard or understood by your partner

• Expert guidance and support could be a game changer for you

These are common concerns and you're not alone. My team and I are here to help!

We've helped hundreds of individuals and couples find their way into themselves and each other - paving the way for healthy relationships and fulfillment of their sexual desires.

Let's Work Together

I'm a leading intimacy and relationship coach based in San Francisco. Since 2010 I've been helping men, women and couples overcome intimacy struggles and enjoy extraordinary sex and rewarding relationships. I have a Masters in Counseling Psychology with a focus on Marriage and Family Therapy from John F. Kennedy University and have trained with leading intimacy coaches.

My intimacy coaching philosophy and approach to intimacy enhancement is simple and straightforward. I believe all people want to experience mind-blowing, earth shattering, soul cleansing sex.

My intimacy classes for couples and singles uses time-tested practical and body-based methods. I've helped countless singles and couples overcome their sexual and romantic issues so they can finally let go and fulfill their true erotic potential.

Brian L.

Keeley is indeed a rare find. Her whip smart brain is only surpassed by her deep desire to celebrate sensuality and true authentic connection. And if that weren’t enough, she’s just plain fun. For me, it’s one of the reasons she’s so safe to ask or explore anything. Her competency and professionalism extend beyond sex and intimacy.

Amir R.

Keeley is an absolute treasure and joy to work with. I can't overstate the positive difference she has made in helping me overcome my personal challenges and improve my overall happiness. What makes her amazing is how she treats our sexual health as deeply connected to our physical and emotional well-being.

Katie P.

She gently guided us into speaking about the deeper issues we needed to address, while still making it fun. I could not believe how knowledgeable and effective she was, and how quickly she understood what we needed to help our relationship. She seemed to know exactly where we needed to go and what was next.

Breaking Through Individual Intimacy Issues

Intimacy coaches help clients address and overcome personal intimacy challenges including building self-confidence, addressing past traumas, or improving self-awareness to foster healthier relationships. If you have an open mind and are motivated to look within yourself, you can move past your long standing issues. With intimacy coaching, you can finally deal with those old issues and start enjoying mind-blowing sex and intimacy in the moment.

Couples Sexual & Relationship Intimacy

A sex coach for couples helps you establish better communication strategies. Through trust-building exercises and techniques that teach you how to feel safe about open, vulnerable sharing, you can reignite the passion in your relationship.

And with somatic intimacy work, you can accept your ever-changing bodies and balance your roles as parents and partners. Rediscover your playfulness and rebuild your deep erotic connection by working through the complexities of your relationship. It's time enjoy the passionate lovemaking you deserve.



Female Sexual Dysfunction

Shame, fear, poor body image, and unhealthy relationships can leave us confused about what true pleasure and desire is in our bodies. An intimacy coach can guide you through the physical and emotional reasons behind your low libido and help you maintain satisfying intimate relationships.


My approach to intimacy coaching focuses on empowering women to express their desires and boundaries within relationships. This fosters a sense of agency and fulfillment and helps you understand what "sexy" feels like in your body.


Intimacy & ED  

Intimacy coaching for men incorporates Tantric principles to enhance spiritual and sexual intimacy. You'll feel deeper connections and heightened pleasure, and discover how to feel more confident between the sheets.

Intimacy & PE 

Intimacy coach sessions address the changing dynamics of intimacy and relationships as individuals and couples age, and teach you how to approach your partner to elicit the expression, release, and pleasure you both crave.



Virtual sex coaching is just as effective as my in-office sessions. You can rest easy knowing all your private video sessions will be fully confidential and secure. Your trust, safety and confidentiality are my #1 priority.

If you’re interested in private sessions, please fill out this contact form:

Is Your Love Life Suffering from Erectile Dysfunction?

You’re not alone, and there’s hope for a better love life. Our specialized ED sex coaching can help you overcome performance anxiety, over-impulse control, and emotional traumas from past relationships. With our help, you can reconnect to your erotic energy and start enjoying sex again.


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Register for my Premature Ejaculation
Video Course

With my groundbreaking 5-step system for overcoming premature ejaculation, you’ll enjoy better couples intimacy and last longer after just 12 engaging videos. Address the physiological and psychological barriers holding you back and enjoy increased self-confidence and a more fulfilling sex life.

Learn more

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List of Podcasts' Interviews: Keeley Rankin

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Sex Class Guide: What to Expect

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Ready to Transform Your Relationships?

Sessions with an intimacy coach online can help you achieve better sex in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Login and love better!

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