
List of Podcasts' Interviews: Keeley Rankin Jul 16, 2024

List of my latest Podcasts' interviews:


"Sex and Mindfulness: Using your Mind to be Sexually Prime" with Keeley Rankin, MA (Apple Podcasts)

Man Up: A Doctor's Guide to Men's Health: #79 - 2024


Sex & Mindfulness (Apple Podcasts)

Pressing Desires: #13 - 2024


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All our Huffington Post Features Mar 13, 2024


Here’s 1 Sex Lesson Everyone Could Stand To Learn From 'Love Is Blind'
On Netflix's reality show "Love Is Blind," Johnny and Amy are at odds over birth control methods. Here's what we can learn from their conversation.


 What Sex Therapists Tell People Who've Never Had An...

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Sex Class Guide: What to Expect Feb 22, 2024

Sex classes have evolved - oh haven't they! There was a sex class in San Francisco for a while that was titled 'Eating Pussy like a Champion.' And, yes..they had a live demo.

Societal changes, scientific advancements, and shifting cultural attitudes towards sexuality have all contributed to this...

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Natural Premature Ejaculation Treatment: Home Remedies to Last Longer in Bed Jan 16, 2024

It's not just you.
And, yes, we can talk about it - we need to talk about it. Premature ejaculation is so hush-hush, and it doesn't need to be!

30-40% of men in the US will have trouble with premature ejaculation at some point in their life. I'm a huge advocate for breaking that silence and have...

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Understanding Basic Relationship Needs and How to Meet Them Dec 15, 2023

How many times have you heard of a relationship fizzling out for seemingly no reason? Or hear someone say, "it just wasn't right" without having any idea what "it" was?

Sometimes, when a relationship struggles, it's because one or both people's relationship needs aren't being fulfilled. If you...

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Overcoming a Fear of Intimacy: What's Causing Your Intimacy Issues? Oct 25, 2023


"We're seeing each other but it's not serious"
"I'm looking for something casual"
"Let's keep it no strings attached"
"I'm not into labels"

It's easy to say you don't like emotional conversations, or you just love alone time - the realisty is fear of intimacy can be hard to spot.


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14 Ways Couples Stay Sexually Connected Oct 04, 2023

A waning sexual connection can be one of the toughest challenges of a long-term relationship. Yet, while it is a common issue, some couples remain sexually content or manage to maintain their chemistry. What have couples who report being sexually satisfied figured out? What are they doing...

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How to Reboot Desire in Long Term Relationships Sep 27, 2023

We recently ran across an article in the Guardian where a man asked:

“I am 63, and have lost sexual attraction for my wife of 45 years. I still love her but this has been a progressive issue. I feel bad because I find other women attractive, and have battled with it since youth. I...

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Relationship Dynamics: Which One Are You In & How Do You Fix It? couple dating therapy Sep 01, 2023

Is there anything more complex than relationship dynamics?

Very little! Relationships aren't perfect - I think we can all attest to that! Sometimes things can get messy, we change, and we grow. The best case scenario is that we understand the relationship dynamic we have and work together to...

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The Effects Of Childhood Bullying On Intimacy Later In Life Aug 22, 2023

Men being bullied is such a huge part of the boyhood experience it is seen as normal. A punch in the arm from a friend, wrestling to see who’s stronger, a dog pile. Some might say that is just how boys are. Sometimes, I hear stories from men who had parents that encouraged them to be...

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Why Women Struggle to Find Their Orgasm Aug 17, 2023

It's a pleasure to share with you my article for xxTALK:

Why women struggle to find their orgasm


xxTALK is a collaborative program designed to get women back in touch with their bodies and each other.

Thanks a lot to the team for allowing me to be part of this adventure!



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The Power of Compliments and How to Give Them compliments dating relationship Jul 17, 2023

“I can live for two months on a good compliment.” – Mark Twain

Compliments: The Power of Compliments and how to give them

Complimenting someone else is one of my favorite things to do. If I see something I like about a person, I just say it right then and there. Even the people...

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