Premature Ejaculation Training Mastery Video Course

Achieve Lasting Control & Enhanced Sexual Confidence

A proven, mindfulness-based method to overcoming premature ejaculation. Expert insights, step-by-step guidance, and transformative techniques—all from the privacy of your home.
Begin Your Path To Mastery Today

Let’s face it, ejaculating too soon in bed is the ultimate buzz-killer. 

Ejaculating too quickly can not only ruin an entire evening….it impacts your psychological well-being, quality of life, confidence and relationships.

Do you feel like less of a man? Worried you'll never be able to satisfy any partner, maybe even shutting down sexual experiences to avoid the embarrassment.

I want to help you get out of this complex dynamic and find the confidence, staying power and pleasure. I know it's possible for you!

That is why I have created my Premature Ejaculation Training Mastery Course, so you do not have to spend one more day worrying if you can satisfy your partner and enjoy sex. 

What You'll Receive

  • 12 Expertly Curated Modules: exclusive client proven techniques walking you step-by-step through my unique 5 step system to fully master your ejaculation control.
  • Immersive, Interactive, Life Changing Content: along with discussion and theory, each module has targeted exercises aimed to take you to the next step of ejaculation control.
  • Growing Self Awareness: seminal reflection questions that enhance your relationship with pleasure, deepen your sexual confidence and free you from old burdens.  
  • Lifetime Access: revisit & reinforce your transformation whenever you desire, ensuring continuous growth on your journey.
  • A Proven Pathway to Confidence and Pleasure: master your ejaculation so you can fully enjoy sex from a relaxed and confident place. 
  • Enhanced Relationships: profoundly shift your experience of connection with yourself, your lovers, and everyone around you.
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Your Expert Guide to Lasting Longer in Bed

Hello! Nice to meet you. I'm Keeley Rankin, leading sex & relationship coach. I specialize in male performance struggles, particularly premature ejaculation training and treatment.

Since 2010, I've guided countless men toward unlocking deeper pleasure and staying power. I have a Master’s in Counseling Psychology, am a Certified Mindfulness Teacher, Certified Sexological Bodyworker, train and teach colleagues on male performance struggles. I bring years of dedicated expertise with real, practical, client-centered tools, secrets and path towards lasting change for you. 

My insights have been featured on 40+ podcasts, where I explore the nuances of intimacy, sexual wellness and relationship dynamics. 

Click here to find the full podcast list.

My private practice sessions are $400 per hour, and I've had an ongoing waiting list for the last 5 years.

Don't wait another day to access to my client proven premature ejaculation training method that many wait months for....

Sneak Peek Inside: Premature Ejaculation Training Videos

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Building Resilience Together: Premature Ejaculation Training Insights

Today, it’s estimated that 1 in 3 men report experiencing early ejaculation, which is why my premature ejaculation training is designed to address this prevalent concern. Instead of feeling pleasure, you suffer constant frustration and emotional pain that is often overwhelming and limits connection — with both yourself and with your partner.

To add insult to injury, your negative thoughts that often accompany the actual physical issue interact and reinforce with each other. The result is a negative feedback loop that blocks you from getting what you really want out of your sexual experiences. Whether you only occasionally experience premature ejaculation or it’s an ongoing issue… I’m here with some great news…

“I’ll teach you my breakthrough 5-step system for lasting as long as you want, through my exclusive premature ejaculation training program.”

~ Keeley Rankin

Breaking the Silence: The Situation

 Look, I understand how frustrated and hopeless you feel.

Premature ejaculation carries a heavy social stigma, stopping many men from ever seeking professional help.

It’s difficult to find legitimate, practical and effective treatment that really works to overcome premature ejaculation issues. Maybe you have asked your doctor to be told Viagra or anti-depression medication could help you. Or, tried Googling for answers, only to read unhelpful ideas like “think about baseball or your grandma, masturbate before you have sex, do a TON of kegels.”

I want to give it to you straight. - this advice is not going to help you and frankly, a total waste of time!

That's precisely why I created the Early Ejaculation Mastery Video Course. I want men like yourself to have access to what my private clients pay thousands for. 

My premature ejaculation video treatment program will provide you with expert guidance, concrete tools and the step-by-step path to mastery that hundreds of men have used to gain control.

My unique 5-step system was created after working with countless clients in the same place you are.

After years of exploring tons of different ideas, I dialed in what really works to help men overcome early ejaculation struggles naturally, effectively and quickly. Leading to lasting changes so you can truly relax and fully enjoy sex. I am going to walk you step-by-step through my client proven techniques for gaining complete control of your ejaculation.

This is your curated path to your sexual freedom, play and pleasure. 

I'm Ready To Last Longer In Bed!

The Premature Ejaculation Video Course Is for You If...

You want to gain full control over your orgasms.

You want to feel more pleasure throughout your body.

You want a more intimate connection with your partner.

You want to deeply understand and relate to your body’s arousal.

You want to learn how to fully relax into sex without experiencing constant anxiety.

You want to learn proven, time-tested ways to last longer without medications.

You want to lessen anxiety and negative thinking that sabotages your ejaculations.

You want to improve your confidence, self-esteem and overall well-being.

Invest in Lifelong Pleasure

You deserve a life of passionate, fulfilling sex. For $675, you gain lifetime access to this immersive experience. Think of it as an investment in joy and connection that will stay with you for years to come. This is an exclusive opportunity to access my expert methods for a fraction of the cost of private coaching.

And because I believe so strongly in the life-changing impact of this course, I offer a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t feel a shift in your intimacy within the first 30 days, simply let me know, and I’ll refund your investment—no questions asked. You have nothing to lose and a lifetime of pleasure to gain.

Teach Me How to Last Longer in Bed Today

Why My Premature Ejaculation Video Treatment Works 

  • By the end of the course, you’ll have all the tools, tips and strategies you need to permanently control your orgasms.
  • With years of proven success in guiding men through my premature ejaculation training program, I anticipate and navigate potential challenges, ensuring lasting control.
  • My course will teach you how to find immense pleasure in your erotic experiences again, which is as much about helping your partner have a good time as it is about controlling your ejaculations.

Unlock Lasting Control and Confidence with Exclusive Techniques

My premature ejaculation training videos will give you all the skills you need to gain control over your ejaculation without the high cost that my private clients pay.

Whether you’ve just started ejaculating early or this has been a lifelong struggle, my unique approach will provide you with the help you need.

I’ll personally guide you step-by-step in each video lesson so you can learn the practical skills needed to last longer and experience more pleasure in your body. The perfect premature ejaculation training program for men at any stage of a relationship, or for those who are not in a relationship at all.

In other words, you don’t need to currently be in a sexual relationship to learn and benefit from my course. Once you learn ejaculatory control, you’ll gain a lifelong skill, regain your confidence, and start enjoying a more fulfilling and joyful sex life.

“You’ll Learn the Same ‘Top Secret’ Techniques That I Teach My Private Clients Who Pay Hundreds of Dollars Per Session”

~ Keeley Rankin

5 Common Myths About Premature Ejaculation

Myth #1: Premature ejaculation can’t be controlled.

Truth: The great news is you can learn to control ejaculation through effective premature ejaculation training. Think of learning to control ejaculation as similar to learning to play an instrument.

For instance, you would not expect to play the piano one time and feel proficient. The same is true for learning how to explore arousal and feel in control of your orgasm. Once you undergo my premature ejaculation training program, it’ll become second nature.

Myth #2: Premature ejaculation decreases with age.

Truth: The stereotype is that early ejaculation is a younger man’s problem, and it subsides with age. But I’ve worked with men who range in age from 20 to 65.

Like anything else, some men do grow out of this struggle with age, although many men do not. Some men actually develop control struggles later in life without proper premature ejaculation training.

Myth #3: Thinking about something not sexy will help you last longer.

Truth: Actually, just the reverse is true! Thinking about other things while having sex will not only take you out of the moment, but also won’t help you gain control.

When you focus on something else, you’re not only still ejaculating fast, you’re not even present enough to enjoy the short time you were having sex! That's why my premature ejaculation training program is designed to bring your focus back to the moment, allowing you to develop control naturally.

Myth #4: You just need to develop your kegel muscles.

Truth: This is one of the most common misconceptions around premature ejaculation and learning control. In very few instances, have I worked with someone who had so little kegel muscle control that they needed to develop the muscle. Needing to develop kegel muscles has only been necessary when they have had trauma in the area – like surgery or infection.

Through my premature ejaculation video treatment, you'll learn how to relax your entire body, including your pelvic floor and kegel muscles, which is the key for how long you will last.

Myth #5: Men have premature ejaculation if they ejaculate within two minutes of insertion.

Truth: Many men claim they last longer than two minutes but insisted they had PE. Fixation on duration misses the point—it's about control, not time.

My premature ejaculation training focuses on mastering control, not just lasting longer.

I'm Ready to Last Longer In Bed Today

Challenge in Finding Effective Premature Ejaculation Solutions

Ineffective Scams and Gimmicks

How much of your hard-earned money have you wasted on useless scams and gimmicks that didn’t do a thing to help your premature ejaculation except drain your bank account?

The sad truth is that it’s difficult for men to find legitimate and practical help for premature ejaculation that will lead to lasting change.

A big problem is the internet.

There are very few reliable online resources for men with this struggle.

Difficulty in Finding Legitimate Help

The internet is flooded with self-proclaimed “expert” sex gurus who endorse a hodgepodge of useless information in regard to premature ejaculation training.

In most cases, the so-called “advice” that I’ve come across is unhelpful, potentially harmful and can make the problem even worse. There are certain prescription medications that can delay premature ejaculation only briefly, or prevent it altogether.

And they fail to address the root of your issue so they do not provide sustainable results.


Medications and Their Side Effects

Prescription medications for premature ejaculation come with the risk of serious side effects, including nausea, headache, diarrhea, libido loss, and erection impairment. You’ll also find creams, sprays that contain numbing agents or anesthetic treatments.

Troublesome side effects include lowered libido and sensitivity loss. If you’re not using a condom, that includes sensation loss for your partner as well.

Happily, my premature ejaculation video treatment is a safer, smarter and all-natural way to gain permanent mastery over your ejaculation without any risk of dangerous side effects.

Sign Me Up: I'm Ready to Take This Journey

Unlock Mastery: Empowering You with Premature Ejaculation Training

After working with hundreds of men of all ages overcome early ejaculation, I know all men can learn how to control their orgasms and last longer.

My premature ejaculation training program provides step-by-step guidance that will teach the skills for lasting as long as you want, and releasing into orgasm when YOU want to. 

The Premature Ejaculation Training Mastery Video Course makes it easy and affordable to learn client proven techniques for overcoming premature ejaculation, so you can fully enjoy your sexuality and erotic experiences. You’ll learn my proven 5-step system, and how to apply practical, effective, and actionable exercises in my premature ejaculation videos.

And I’ll be your premature ejaculation trainer every step of the way so you always feel supported, motivated and inspired to stay on track.

I am only part of the way through this course and I am already lasting way longer than ever before in my life.

~BL, Los Angeles, CA. USA

'How to Stop Premature Ejaculation Videos'... Look no further!

As a leading sex and relationship coach, male sexual struggles are my specialty, including premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and general sexual competency. I’ve worked with countless men to help them learn about connection, desire and sexual function.

The happy result is that they become better lovers to their partner and developing a more profound sense of self-awareness. I also help men work through the shame and sensitivity that accompany emotion-based sexual issues. I received my Master’s in counseling psychology in 2010 with an emphasis in holistic studies and a focus in marriage and family therapy from John F. Kennedy University in Northern California.

I’m a Certified Somatica Method Practitioner, Certified Queer Conscious Educator and Certified Sexological Bodyworker, and a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher. 

I also lead educational workshops on male sexual difficulties for psychotherapists and mentor and supervise up-and-coming sex coaches. 

Start Lasting Longer Today

Frequently Asked Questions

Investing in a Lifetime of Sexual Confidence

For most men, it’s literally priceless!

I am happy you found me and for you to learn how to control your orgasm. 

For $675—you will be investing in your life, intimacy and joy.

You’ll own the course for a lifetime, and there are no hidden fees down the road.

You’ll be able to watch and learn on all your devices at your convenience.

Want my personalized guidance and support along the way? The rate for my private sessions is $400 per hour. For a limited time only, when you purchase the premature ejaculation training program, you can add a 40-minute one-on-one remote coaching session for $150.

This offer is only available one time during the purchase of this course, and expires 1 year after purchase.

I look forward to working with you,

Keeley Rankin

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